Cataanda J

Cataanda J

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sydney & the Bucket!

Not only do I love the kids but I admire their confidence!!! While making a routine house call to one of my clients...I gained a new lil' fan...a 3 year old named Sydney-she's the cutest! Of course she was curious as to what her mother and I would be doing for the next hour and a half to 2hours BUT when we told her that we were "doing" hair, well SHE decided she needed to be up close and personal! It had been 8-10 weeks since her mothers last touch up so...Relaxer time it was! Now this little girl reminds me of myself when I was her age- very shy (acting), very conscious and aware of her appearance but most of all intrigued by whatever her mother is doing! SO...we sat her in the bar stool beside us and went to work!

I went through the motions...draped my client...sectioned the hair in four...based the scalp (use Syntonics Comfort Gel Pre-Relaxer Scalp Protector with Phyto extracts)...and the relaxer application began (use Syntonics Botanical Conditioning Creme Relaxer)! The whole time I was applying the relaxer, 1/4inch section by 1/4inch section-Sydney did NOT blink an eye! She watched my every move.....After a few minutes of repetition, Sydney says "Mommy, I wanna put the brush in the bucket and put it in your hair"!!! HILARIOUS...

At that point a light bulb went on in my head! Not only does 3year old Sydney think all you do when giving a touch up is "put the brush in the bucket and put it in your hair", but there are many stylists that take this approach when applying a relaxer be it a touch up or virgin head of hair!!!

Please, please, please research your hairstylist, confirm they are licensed by state board, learn their history and experience level, and ask LOTS of questions BEFORE trusting they know the proper application process to a healthy, relaxed head of hair!!! I've worked with many clients that have had their hair badly over processed from relaxer by a professional! The key is to straighten the hair to a silky smooth texture with out breaking down the integrity of the hair! If your stylist's relaxer touch up blue print is written by lil' Sydney.....Do NOT sit in the chair!!!! SAVE YOUR HAIR.......

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